Smoking vs. Snus


In a world where health is becoming increasingly important, many smokers are looking for less harmful alternatives . Snus, nicotine pouches or nicotine pouches are smoke-free nicotine products that are steadily gaining in popularity and are a much healthier alternative to traditional cigarette smoking. In this article, we will look at the advantages of snus over cigarettes and explain why they are a better option.

The advantages of snus over cigarettes

  • Lower cancer risk:
  • Snus is not smoked, which means there is no combustion, which means no carcinogenic substances are released into the lungs and surrounding area. This significantly reduces the risks of lung cancer and other respiratory problems.

  • Lower cardiovascular risks:
  • Compared to smoking cigarettes, snus is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke.

  • No passive smoking:
  • Snus does not produce smoke or harmful substances that could endanger other people in the area. This means there is no risk of passive smoking and is therefore a good alternative for fathers and mothers.

  • No smell of smoke:
  • Snus does not have an unpleasant smoke smell, which is more pleasant for both the consumer and those around them. Snus is available in many different flavors, from mint to fruity berries to exotic flavors, so there is an alternative for everyone.

  • Discreet consumption:
  • The consumption of nicotine pouches is discreet and can take place almost anywhere, without the need for a smoking area.

  • Better control over nicotine intake:
  • Snus allows users to better control their nicotine intake because they can remove the tobacco pouch when they have had enough nicotine.

  • Slower nicotine absorption:
  • Nicotine breakdown is generally slower with snus than with smoking, resulting in a less abrupt rise and fall in nicotine levels and minimizing withdrawal symptoms.

  • Cost-efficient consumption:
  • The financial aspect plays a crucial role when comparing snus versus cigarettes. A can of snus is often more cost-effective and can be purchased for as little as €2.99, while a pack of cigarettes can cost up to €10. A snus pouch can be consumed for up to half an hour, providing a longer-lasting nicotine kick.

    It is important to note that despite these benefits, snus and nicotine pouches are still nicotine products and therefore are not completely risk-free.

    Types of snus and nicotine pouches

    Snus and nicotine pouches are essentially synonyms, as both products deliver smokeless nicotine. However, nicotine pouches are usually tobacco-free, which further reduces the health risk. In our shop, we only offer tobacco -free nicotine pouches to minimize the risks.

    For a detailed overview of the differences between snus and nicotine pouches, read our blog post on snus vs. nicotine pouches .

    Which types of snus are the most popular & where to buy them

    The most popular types of snus include Siberia and Velo . These are available in different flavors and nicotine strengths. You can easily order snus and nicotine pouches online at and benefit from fast shipping times and exclusive offers!


    For those who do not want to give up nicotine but want to keep the health risk as low as possible, snus is a socially acceptable and healthier alternative to conventional cigarettes. They offer numerous advantages such as a lower risk of cancer, no exposure to passive smoking, and better control over nicotine intake.

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